How to Earn the FDC CredentialsTo earn the FDC Credential for the Empowerment Skills for Workers course participants:
- Complete 80 hours of interactive classroom instruction facilitated by a certified FDC instructor
- Develop a portfolio working with a Portfolio Advisor who provides guidance and support throughout the process. The Portfolio consists of:
- Responses to 3 Activities to Extend Learning for each of the 10 chapters in the Empowerment Skills for Workers Handbook.
- Plan and carry out one Skills Practice for each of the 10 chapters.
- Complete three Family Development Plans with one family over a period of time and write a Reflection on the process.
- An Overall Reflection on their FDC experience.
Pass an exam (multiple choice & T/F) based on the Empowerment Skills for Workers curriculum.
Costs: Credential Fee- $350.00+
Empowerment Skills for Workers Handbook-$65
Local FDC programs may also charge a variable fee
To earn the FDC Leadership Credential for the Empowerment Skills for Leaders course participants:
- Complete 30 hours of interactive classroom instruction facilitated by a certified FDC instructor.
- Develop a portfolio working with a Peer Advisor. The leadership portfolio consists of:
- One Independent Learning Project for each of the 5 chapters in the Empowerment Skills for Leaders book.
- One Leadership Empowerment Plan applying concepts learned throughout the course.
- An Overall Reflection on progress made toward the Leadership Empowerment Plan and reflecting on how they will apply what they learned in the future.
There is no exam for the Leadership Credential.
Costs: Leadership Credential Fee- $300.00+
Empowerment Skills for Leaders book-$65
Local FDC programs may also charge a variable fee